Running QSMxT

This section will guide you through each of the steps needed to run QSMxT on a converted BIDS dataset.

To begin, simply run:


Then, follow the steps outlined below.

Most prompts will simply accept ENTER to use the default value.

QSMxT can also be run non-interactively.

Step 1: Select desired outputs

The first page will prompt you to select which outputs to generate (space-separated).

=== Desired outputs ===
 qsm: Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
 swi: Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI)
 t2s: T2* maps
 r2s: R2* maps
 seg: Segmentations (requires qsm)
 analysis: QSM across segmented ROIs (requires qsm+seg)
 template: GRE group space + GRE/QSM templates (requires qsm)

Enter desired images (space-separated) [default - qsm]: 

If you need QSM and SWI, for example, you would enter qsm swi.

Step 2: Select desired QSM pipeline

This page asks you to select which premade QSM pipeline you would like to start with.

=== Premade QSM pipelines ===
default: Default QSMxT settings (GRE)
gre: Applies suggested settings for 3D-GRE images
epi: Applies suggested settings for 3D-EPI images (assumes human brain)
bet: Applies a traditional BET-masking approach (artefact reduction unavailable; assumes human brain)
fast: Applies a set of fast algorithms
body: Applies suggested settings for non-brain applications
nextqsm: Applies suggested settings for running the NeXtQSM algorithm (assumes human brain)

Select a premade to begin [default - 'default']: 

You can still change any specific settings later.

Pipelines with assumes human brain apply masking techniques optimized for human brain imaging only and should not be applied in other regions. You may also adjust the masking algorithm in the settings.

Step 3: Settings menu

This menu displays a summary of the chosen settings.

Enter an option from 1-4 to change any settings, or enter run to begin processing.

See the sections below for more details about the advanced settings in menus 3 and 4.

=== QSMxT - Settings Menu ===

(1) Desired outputs:
 - Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM): Yes
 - Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI): No
 - T2* mapping: No
 - R2* mapping: No
 - Segmentations: No
 - Analysis CSVs: No
 - GRE/QSM template space: No

(2) QSM pipeline: default

(3) [ADVANCED] QSM masking:
 - Use existing masks if available: No
 - Masking algorithm: threshold (phase-based)
   - Two-pass artefact reduction: Enabled
   - Threshold algorithm: otsu (x1.5 for single-pass; x1.3 for two-pass)
   - Hole-filling algorithm: morphological+gaussian
   - Erosions: 2 erosions for single-pass; 0 erosions for two-pass

(4) [ADVANCED] QSM phase processing:
 - Axial resampling: Enabled (obliquity threshold = 10)
 - Multi-echo combination: B0 mapping (using ROMEO)
 - Phase unwrapping: romeo
 - Background field removal: pdf
 - Dipole inversion: rts
 - Referencing: mean

Guidelines compliant! (see

Run command: qsmxt bids/ --auto_yes

Enter a number to customize; enter 'run' to run: 

Settings for QSM masking

Use existing masks if available

QSMxT can use pre-existing masks if they are available and desired (--use_existing_masks). Masks must be included in a valid BIDS derivatives directory. You will be prompted to enter the name of the software used to generate the mask, and this must match the derivatives folder name (e.g. my-masking-software), or match using a pattern. The default pattern * will match any folder to find a mask. If multiple masks are found, the one whose path is alphabetically first will be chosen.

An example of a valid BIDS directory with a mask is as follows:

├── derivatives
│   └── my-masking-software
│       └── sub-1
│           └── anat
│               └── sub-1_mask.nii
├── sub-1
│   └── anat
│       ├── sub-1_part-mag_T2starw.json
│       ├── sub-1_part-mag_T2Starw.nii
│       ├── sub-1_part-phase_T2Starw.json
│       ├── sub-1_part-phase_T2Starw.nii
│       ├── sub-1_T1w.nii
│       └── sub-1_T1w.json

Masking algorithm

There are two choices of masking algorithm:

Thresholding input

For the threshold-based masking algorithm, a mask can be generated from two possible inputs:

  • Magnitude - use the MRI signal magnitude (--masking_input magnitude)
    • standard approach
    • requires magnitude images
  • Phase - use a phase quality map (--masking_input phase)

Two-pass artifact reduction

For the threshold-based masking algorithm, a two-pass artifact-reduction technique can be applied (--two_pass on;

The two-pass algorithm performs two QSM reconstructions - one using a threshold-based mask (with holes in high-susceptibility regions), and another using the same mask after applying a hole-filling algorithm. The final susceptibility map is a superposition of both results - the susceptibility map with holes is filled using values from the filled susceptibility map.

The two-pass algorithm:

  • reduces artefacts, particularly near strong susceptibility sources
  • sometimes requires tweaking of the mask to maintain accuracy in high-susceptibility regions
  • single-pass results will still be included in the output
  • doubles the runtime of the pipeline

Threshold selection

For the threshold-based masking algorithm, a threshold must be determined.

A threshold can be hardcoded:

  • Use an integer to indicate an absolute signal intensity (e.g. --threshold_value 20)
  • Use a floating-point value from 0-1 to indicate a percentile of the per-echo signal histogram (e.g. --threshold_value 0.3)
  • Use two values to specify different thresholds for each pass in two-pass QSM (e.g. --threshold_value 50 40); the first value is used for the filled pass, and the second value is used for the mask with holes

A threshold may also be determined automatically using one of two algorithms:

Threshold algorithm factors

For the threshold-based masking algorithm with threshold values chosen using an algorithm, the thresholds can be multiplied by some factor. If two-pass QSM is enabled, two factors may be given - one for the filled susceptibility map and another for the unfilled map (e.g. --threshold_algorithm_factor 1.5 1.3).

Hole-filling algorithm

For the threshold-based masking algorithm, holes can be filled using one of several options:

  • gaussian (--filling_algorithm gaussian):
    • applies the scipy gaussian_filter function to the threshold mask
    • may fill some unwanted regions (e.g. connecting skull to brain)
  • morphological (--filling_algorithm morphological):
    • applies the scipy binary_fill_holes function to the threshold mask
  • both (--filling_algorithm both):
    • applies gaussian followed by morphological hole-filling to the threshold mask
  • bet (--filling_algorithm bet):
    • uses a BET-derived mask as the filled mask

Include a BET mask in hole-filling

For the threshold-based masking algorithm using gaussian and/or morphological hole-filling, a BET mask can also be generated and combined to ensure stubborn regions are filled (--add_bet).

BET fractional intensity

The BET fractional intensity parameter can be customized (e.g. --bet_fractional_intensity 0.5).


The number of erosions applied to masks can be adjusted. Two values may be given if two-pass QSM is enabled (e.g. --mask_erosions 3 0). If two values are given, the first is for the filled mask and the second is for the unfilled mask.

Settings for QSM phase processing

Axial resampling

Most QSM algorithms require the slice direction to align with the magnetic field direction for optimal accuracy. Oblique acquisitions can be rotated and resampled to a true axial orientation to ensure this assumption holds (see

QSMxT can perform this axial resampling when the measured obliquity is beyond a chosen threshold. Obliquity is measured using nibabel, which uses a measure derived from AFNI’s definition. If the measured obliquity is beyond the threshold, the volume will be resampled to axial (e.g. --obliquity_threshold 10). To disable axial resampling, set the threshold to -1.

Multi-echo combination

Multi-echo acquisitions require a combination step. Data can be combined prior to QSM calculation by generating a field map using ROMEO (--combine_phase true), or susceptibility maps can be averaged (--combine_phase false).

QSM Algorithm

Multiple QSM algorithms are available in QSMxT (e.g. --qsm_algorithm rts). Some QSM algorithms solve only the final dipole inversion step, while others include phase unwrapping and background field correction.

Phase unwrapping

Multiple phase unwraping algorithms are available in QSMxT (e.g. --unwrapping_algorithm romeo).

Laplacian phase unwrapping is forced to ROMEO if the multi-echo --combine_phase is enabled. This is because the phase combination technique is based on the field map derived from ROMEO.

Background field removal

Multiple background field removal algorithms are available in QSMxT (e.g. --bf_algorithm vsharp).

  • vsharp: V-SHARP algorithm (
    • fast
    • involves a mask erosion step that impacts the next steps
    • less reliable with threshold-based masks
    • not compatible with artefact reduction algorithm
  • pdf: Projection onto Dipole Fields algorithm (
    • slower
    • more accurate
    • does not require an additional erosion step

Susceptibility referencing

QSM is only able to estimate susceptibility in reference to some value. It is standard practice to choose a region whose mean value will serve as the reference susceptibility. By default, QSMxT uses the average susceptibility value of the whole volume, ignoring zero-values (--qsm_reference mean).

Alternatively, if segmentations are included in the desired outputs, you can also select a set of segmentation IDs from which the average susceptibility will serve as the reference (e.g. --qsm_reference 3 13 25; see the full list of possible labels).

Example outputs

Given a BIDSs directory with various subjects, sessions, acquisitions and runs, the following is an example of the output from QSMxT, which is integrated within the existing BIDS directory as BIDS derivatives.

This particular example includes QSM, R2* maps, T2* maps, segmentations and analyses:

├── command.txt
├── pypeline.log
├── qsmxt.log
├── references.txt
├── settings.json
├── sub-1
│   ├── anat
│   │   ├── sub-1_Chimap.nii
│   │   ├── sub-1_minIP.nii
│   │   ├── sub-1_R2starmap.nii
│   │   ├── sub-1_space-orig_dseg.nii
│   │   ├── sub-1_space-qsm_dseg.nii
│   │   ├── sub-1_swi.nii
│   │   └── sub-1_T2starmap.nii
│   └── extra_data
│       ├── sub-1_desc-t1w-to-qsm_transform.mat
│       └── sub-1_qsm-analysis
│           ├── sub-1_desc-qsm-forward_Chimap_sub-1_space-qsm_desc-qsmxt-2024-08-05-144311_dseg_analysis.csv
│           └── sub-1_desc-qsmxt-2024-08-05-144311_Chimap_sub-1_space-qsm_desc-qsmxt-2024-08-05-144311_dseg_analysis.csv
└── template
    ├── qsm_template
    │   └── qsm_template.nii
    └── magnitude_template
        └── magnitude_template.nii

Non-interactive usage

If you wish to run QSMxT non-interactively, you may specify all settings via command-line arguments and run non-interactively via --auto_yes. For help with building the one-line command, start QSMxT interactively first. Before the pipeline runs, it will display the one-line command such as:

This example will run QSMxT non-interactively and produce QSM using the fast pipeline and segmentations.

qsmxt bids/ --do_qsm --premade fast --do_segmentations --auto_yes