Data preparation

QSMxT requires BIDS-conforming data. You can use dicom-convert and nifti-convert to convert your data to BIDS, depending on whether you have DICOM or NIfTI images.

The data conversion tools packaged in QSMxT are only intended to work with a subset of BIDS. This subset represents the minimum BIDS specification to enable QSM post-processing. The tools are not designed to convert, for example, Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI), functional MRI (fMRI), T2-weighted imaging, or other imaging modalities. For QSM, relevant BIDS suffixes include T2starw and MEGRE, including magnitude and phase parts. T1-weighted imaging is also supported to enable segmentation and registration to the QSM space. Some derived data, including brain masks, may be used in some QSM pipelines and are also supported.

For example BIDS structures, see BIDS Examples.


To convert to BIDS, use dicom-convert, which runs interactively:

dicom-convert dicoms/ bids/

To run dicom-convert non-interactively, use --auto_yes. Running it this way is less flexible because it does not provide the interfaces used to identify individual series from each acquisition and instead relies on heuristics. Some of these heuristics can be customized, namely the patterns used to identify imaging protocols intended for QSM and T1-weighted images. These can be specified using command-line arguments, e.g.:

dicom-convert dicoms/ bids/ --auto_yes --t2starw_protocol_patterns '*gre*' --t1w_protocol_patterns '*mp2rage*'


To convert NIfTI to BIDS, use nifti-convert:

nifti-convert YOUR_NIFTI_DIR/ bids/

UK BioBank Data

QSMxT can process and analyse UK BioBank data. Please see the GitHib issue for detailed instructions.

BIDS Examples

The following are examples of valid BIDS structures suitable for processing using QSMxT.

Crucially, distinct groups of files suitable for a single QSM reconstruction are distinguished by their subject name, optional session directory, optional acquisition name, optional run number, and suffix.

Minimal example (single subject, single session, single echo)

├── sub-1
│   └── anat
│       ├── sub-1_part-mag_T2starw.json
│       ├── sub-1_part-mag_T2Starw.nii
│       ├── sub-1_part-phase_T2Starw.json
│       └── sub-1_part-phase_T2Starw.nii

Minimal example including T1-weighted imaging for segmentation

├── sub-1
│   └── anat
│       ├── sub-1_part-mag_T2starw.json
│       ├── sub-1_part-mag_T2Starw.nii
│       ├── sub-1_part-phase_T2Starw.json
│       ├── sub-1_part-phase_T2Starw.nii
│       ├── sub-1_T1w.nii
│       └── sub-1_T1w.json

Minimal example including brain mask (for QSMxT’s –use_existing_masks option)

├── derivatives
│   └── qsm-forward
│       └── sub-1
│           └── anat
│               └── sub-1_mask.nii
├── sub-1
│   └── anat
│       ├── sub-1_part-mag_T2starw.json
│       ├── sub-1_part-mag_T2Starw.nii
│       ├── sub-1_part-phase_T2Starw.json
│       ├── sub-1_part-phase_T2Starw.nii
│       ├── sub-1_T1w.nii
│       └── sub-1_T1w.json

Multi-echo example

├── sub-1
│   └── anat
│       ├── sub-1_echo-1_part-mag_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_echo-1_part-mag_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_echo-1_part-phase_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_echo-1_part-phase_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_echo-2_part-mag_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_echo-2_part-mag_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_echo-2_part-phase_MEGRE.json
│       └── sub-1_echo-2_part-phase_MEGRE.nii

Multiple runs and acquisitions example

├── sub-1
│   └── anat
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-1_echo-1_part-mag_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-1_echo-1_part-mag_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-1_echo-1_part-phase_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-1_echo-1_part-phase_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-1_echo-2_part-mag_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-1_echo-2_part-mag_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-1_echo-2_part-phase_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-1_echo-2_part-phase_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-2_echo-1_part-mag_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-2_echo-1_part-mag_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-2_echo-1_part-phase_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-2_echo-1_part-phase_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-2_echo-2_part-mag_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-2_echo-2_part-mag_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-2_echo-2_part-phase_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygrea_run-2_echo-2_part-phase_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygreb_run-1_echo-1_part-mag_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygreb_run-1_echo-1_part-mag_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygreb_run-1_echo-1_part-phase_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygreb_run-1_echo-1_part-phase_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygreb_run-1_echo-2_part-mag_MEGRE.json
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygreb_run-1_echo-2_part-mag_MEGRE.nii
│       ├── sub-1_acq-mygreb_run-1_echo-2_part-phase_MEGRE.json
│       └── sub-1_acq-mygreb_run-1_echo-2_part-phase_MEGRE.nii

Multiple sessions example

├── sub-2
│   ├── ses-20231020
│   │   └── anat
│   │       ├── sub-2_ses-20231020_part-mag_T2starw.json
│   │       ├── sub-2_ses-20231020_part-mag_T2Starw.nii
│   │       ├── sub-2_ses-20231020_part-phase_T2Starw.json
│   │       ├── sub-2_ses-20231020_part-phase_T2Starw.nii
│   └── ses-20231025
│       └── anat
│           ├── sub-2_ses-20231025_echo-1_part-mag_MEGRE.json
│           ├── sub-2_ses-20231025_echo-1_part-mag_MEGRE.nii
│           ├── sub-2_ses-20231025_echo-1_part-phase_MEGRE.json
│           ├── sub-2_ses-20231025_echo-1_part-phase_MEGRE.nii
│           ├── sub-2_ses-20231025_echo-2_part-mag_MEGRE.json
│           ├── sub-2_ses-20231025_echo-2_part-mag_MEGRE.nii
│           ├── sub-2_ses-20231025_echo-2_part-phase_MEGRE.json
│           ├── sub-2_ses-20231025_echo-2_part-phase_MEGRE.nii